Find the best thermo-acoustic system for your project !
Phonotech DK
The Phonotech® DK element is based on the floating roof
principle through its spring batten providing a mass-spring-mass effect. Due to its RD start and end battens, the Phonotech DK system forms an intuitive complete roofing assembly. This
decoupling will block any transfer of vibrations through its shock absorbing effect and will provide optimum sound reduction.
Length (mm)1200
Width (mm)600
Thermal resistance (m2.k/W)1,27 à 6,41
Phonotech PH
The Phonotech® PH acoustic system offers a very performing sound insulation for walls and ceilings. Thanks to their spring
batten, the Phonotech panels provide a mass-spring-mass effect.
Due to its RD start and end battens, the Phonotech PH system forms an intuitive complete wall and ceiling assembly. This
decoupling will block any transfer of vibrations through its shock absorbing effect and will provide optimum sound reduction.
Length (mm)1200
Width (mm)600
Thermal Resistance (m².K/W)52,5 à 92,5